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Writer's pictureEdward Frank Morris

How to get the most out of ChatGPT Prompts

Most ChatGPT Prompt guides don't come with a user manual on how to use them. This is intentional.


I think you and I have seen thousands and thousands of Prompt Templates and Guides at this point. I'm not better and I myself am guilty of writing a "Top 10 ChatGPT Prompts" type of guide.

But not a whole lot of people get a whole lot out of them. Using a single use ChatGPT Prompt will give you a sense of generation but after a couple of uses, you'll find out that the prompts are pretty lacklustre.

Sadly, most people who quite literally sell these Prompt lists are pretty much aware that people don't know how to use them. Because often times it creates a hunger in that user for more Prompts or expensive courses.

All a lead funnel. And frankly? For a lot of Prompting? You can learn that from YouTube for free unless it's something particularly unique.

Now, let's get into how you actually get the most out of Prompting and pre-saved Prompts.

What do you actually do?

If you do have a Mega Prompt? And you paid for it? Don't despair. It's fine - the still have their use.

You want to be doing Multiple Shot styled prompting. This is more relevant for ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude users - and now - Meta.

  • Shot 1 - The Initial Prompt with Context

  • Shot 2 - Follow up with more details and context as well as what you like and hate.

  • Shot 3 - Exactly the same as Shot 2.

Then repeat.

The Final Shot is usually formatting so that it takes all the context into account and then outputs it in a useful way. Bulletpoints for instance.

The follow ups can be anything. Things you like about the output. Thinks you dislike. Things you want changed. Things you want kept. Length of output. Tonality. More context about you and what you're trying to do.

Think combinations or that you're talking to a Consultant.

This is also where you should factor in Prompt "hacks" such as the take a deep breath methods or offering ChatGPT tips. Because after the Shot 1, ChatGPT will have context on what it is you're trying to do. Knowing what it's supposed to be "taking a deep breath" from.

Does that mean Mega Prompts are useless?

Nope. But Mega Prompts and the like are usually better suited for Custom GPT's and API. Using a Mega Prompt in a ChatGPT setting takes up tokens and will eventually cost you Context. Doesn't mean they suck of course but it's not the "once and done" most people assume it is.

Does that mean that your Prompting style is useless?

I won't be vain but, no. Prompting Style and Framework is different to a Mega Prompt in itself. A Style isn't single use, it's more of a work Philosophy or Methodology. Same with a Framework. You never want to tackle ChatGPT under the assumption that it's "once and done".

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